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a culmination of over 80 years of business experience in the
areas of product development,

sourcing, brand development, sales and marketing.

We develop our own products & source for our clients across numerous industries.

Our staff are based in Melbourne & Shanghai. International relations and skills on the ground in both Australia and China.

Container consolidation and Freight Forwarding Product sourcing, design and development

If you are looking to save money at the front end, Select Trading might be the partner you have been looking for.

Take your next step forwards with Select.



of experience

About Us - Select Trading Pvt Ltd

Manufacture, distribution, brand development, sourcing and shipping. Just some of the key areas our team operate in.

Select Trading commenced operation in 2019 with two brands; All Fur You – pet products – and Room & Bloom – homewares.

These were initially sold in the US, online. Quickly expanding to retail in the US and then Australia.

Since then our expertise in China sourcing and shipping has extended into RV products for large clients as well as our own RV brand Lil Rippa. And fencing products; our brand National Fencing Australia.

Our team consult for numerous businesses, helping them to find the best products – direct from the manufacturer. We help others to develop their own specific products, brands and packaging.

Products can land in bulk, monthly orders or store in China and ship to different locations when needed.

Our Brands

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us today to learn more about how our expert services